As Year 6 come to the end of a busy week completing their SATs, we spent a few moments reflecting on all the exciting experiences we have had so far this year. One of our fondest memories was of our ‘Evacuee Day’ in the Autumn term.

“I really enjoyed the evacuee day. I liked making the Anderson shelters – it was super fun!” – Alex

“I really enjoyed making the fruit cake. I like baking.” – Indiana

“I enjoyed coming to school in my evacuee costume, baking the cake and drinking tea.” – Yara

The children reflected on their visit to RAF Cosford. They explored the different aircrafts and event got to go inside the cockpits!

“I really enjoyed our visit to RAF Cosford. It was an interesting day. I had fun.” – Maryam.

The children all spoke about how they enjoyed creating a ‘Freedom Quilt’ in Design and Technology and how hard they had worked creating and sewing each piece to create a final quilt. It was beautiful.

“I really enjoyed sewing the ‘Freedom Quilt” – Layla