On Saturday 15th July 2023, members of our wonderful staff team took part in ‘Race for Life – Pretty Muddy 5km’ at Cofton Park in Birmingham. After nervously checking the weather the night before, we were pleased to see that the sun was shining as we arrived.

We were excited to take part in the event and as we gathered, we looked round at the different obstacles we would be tackling! We made sure to take some photographs of our glittery smiling faces before they were covered in mud!

We were immediately very muddy as we had to crawl underneath netting and battle inflatable obstacles. The first 1km went by very quickly and we were all smiling, although Miss Rowlands decided that she needed a break and Mrs Painter decided to help her out!

With squelchy shoes we carried on, getting muddier with each obstacle we faced. Anyone who knows Mrs Bloomfield well knows that she does not like to get dirty, but her smile got wider the muddier she became!

As we neared the finish line, we crawled through tunnels, jumped into muddy pools, scrambled up climbing frames and even bounced on space hoppers! The marshals cheered us on as we went and lots of them sprayed us with muddy water as we passed them!

Our final obstacle was a giant inflatable slide. We flew down, hand in hand, ready to face the oncoming bucket of muddy water that was thrown at us. The finish line was in sight and we sprinted through it together!

Together we have currently raised £1860 for Cancer Research UK. Thank you to those who have supported and sponsored us. We had a wonderful day and made lots of special memories whilst supporting a charity close to our hearts.