We had an emotional morning on Tuesday 25th July celebrating our wonderful Year 6 children. We are very proud of their achievements this year and are particularly impressed by their determination and resilience. We enjoyed watching their beautiful assembly, listening to their wonderful singing and hearing about their favourite memories. Well done to Mrs Bloomfield for correctly guessing many of the baby photographs – her new strategy was most effective! 

Congratulations to our Year 6 award winners who were presented with their awards this morning by our Chair of Governors Mrs Payley. 

Our 2023 award winners are:

  • English Award – Rehansa
  • Mathematics Award – Hamza
  • Science Award – Charlie
  • Music Award – Indiana
  • Derek Dixon Memorial Computing Award – Hayden
  • Chantelle Knight Memorial Arts Award – Morgan
  • Physical Education Award – Rubi and Maximus
  • Dawn Stanley Award – Jacob
  • Citizenship Award – Dylan C
  • Personal Endeavour Award – Dylan M
  • Outdoor Learning Award – Koen

Mrs Bloomfield, Miss Branson and all of the staff would like to congratulate Year 6 on all of their achievements throughout their time in school. We wish them the very best of luck for the next stage of their academic journey.