During our first half term, Year 6 have been researching and replicating the works of Picasso.  

We began by exploring the period of Modern Art, creating a timeline of different movements in this period. We particularly looked at the following movements: Fauvism, Cubism, Surrealism, Abstract Art and Op Art. Please take a look at our research pages below. 

We then learned more about Pablo Picasso and the Cubist movement. We had an initial go at replicating some of his most famous artwork. He learned that his work can be grouped into four periods of his life and each period used a different style. First, there was the blue period. During this time, Picasso often used the blues colours, and presented images that looked quite sad. He then entered the Rose period and used lots of neutral colours during this phase. Then came his pioneering Cubist period, where he really pushed the ‘norm’ and created very wild and wacky art. Before finally entering his classical style of painting. Please see our work, all about Pablo Picasso.  

In our latest lesson, we had a go at creating our own portraits in the cubist style of Pablo Picasso. We hope you enjoy looking at them. We now have a gallery in our classroom!