In our English lessons this half term, Year 6 are writing a letter to Mr Scrooge to convince him to adopt the Christmas spirit. We began by writing our greeting to Mr Scrooge and tried to include: a complex sentence; emotive vocabulary and alliteration; repetition and adverbial phrases. Please see some fantastic examples of our writing here:

Then, we discussed how flattery can be used as a technique to persuade. We came up with lots of ways we could compliment Scrooge (even though he can be seen as a stern and miserable character). In our next paragraph we tried to include: a complex sentence, superlatives, feelings and metaphors. Please see our examples here:

Each lesson, three children from the class add a sentence to our class letter. Please see our class letter below:

Courtney: “Each lesson we start with the thinking side and we chot (chat and jot). Then we use this for our writing side to help us come up with sentences.”

Ethan: ” We are writing to Scrooge to get him to be a Christmas supporter. I like it because we got to learn about Charles Dickens when we created his biography.”

Maisie: ” I like that we brainstorm ideas on our thinking side. This makes it easier to write.”