On Tuesday 14th November, the ARP pupils, along with a selection of Year 5 children were given the opportunity to take part in an educational lecture by Dr Jane Goodall DBE, founder of the Jane Goodall Institute and UN Messenger of Peace. Dr Jane Goodall is renowned for her behaviour studies with wild chimpanzees. Today, aged 89, she travels the world, speaking about the threats facing chimpanzees, animals, and wider environmental crises. She has gone on to develop the Roots and Shoots Programme, inspiring young people to help make a difference to their communities and to protect our world.

The pupils were fascinated with her stories of how the chimpanzees she studied behaved and the relationships she developed with them.

‘I loved how Wunder the chimp hugged Jane when she was released into the wild.’ – Layton

‘I enjoyed watching the video of all of the things she had done in her life.’- Jay