On Wednesday, we dressed up as evacuees during the 1940s in order to understand how they may have felt having to leave their families behind. The children even received letters from their parents which they had no idea about!

We all took turns to putting ingredients into the mixing bowl to bake our World War II cake. We baked our cake without eggs as these would have been rationed during this time. We used alternative wet ingredients such as water and boiled raisins.

Throughout the day, all the children took part in a competition to make Anderson Shelters. We designed them, making sure they met our design criteria: made to withstand wind, water and weight. Mrs Turner gave us competition forms we used to plan our shelters.

Saffron: “I enjoyed making the Anderson Shelters. We were able to get creative!”

Heather: “I enjoyed opening the letters from my parents. It was like a surprise that my parents had.”

Finley: “I loved that we got to dress up and had fun building my Anderson Shelter.”