On Friday 2nd February children across school took part in additional number activities to celebrate NSPCC Number Day.

For number day Acorn class have been learning all about the number two. They went on a number hunt finding the number 2 as a numeral and we also had to find 2 objects. 

Children in Rowan class enjoyed playing a new game using a dice and gems. They had to subitise the amount on the dice and then take the same number of gems. They then compared amounts once the treasure chest was empty. In Willow class the children drew their own number lines in the playground and enjoyed number games outside.

Children in Year 3 enjoyed playing against the other classes in a TTR NSPCC Rocks battle. They enjoyed tracking their position on the leader board against other schools.

Year 4 enjoyed an activity where they had to move around the Solar System, travelling to the Sun and all of the planets. At each planet the children were faced with a calculation which they had to solve quickly and efficiently. As a challenge, they then had to try and complete the inverse calculation. They had a sweltering time! 

Year 5 explored the Ancient Mayan number system and solved challenging puzzles. The Mayan number system is different to our own as they used a base 20 number system. The children needed to decipher the numbers which are represented as a series of dots and lines. It was a fun puzzle to solve!

Children in Cedars enjoyed playing different types of online number games to help develop their fluency skills.