School enjoyed hosting a Mother’s Day breakfast for our families on Friday 8th March. There were smiles all round as everyone tucked into their bacon and sausage sandwiches. Some of the children commented:

‘It was nice having breakfast with my Mum in school.’ – Saffron Yr6

‘I enjoyed my breakfast in school – especially the drink!’ – Steven Yr4

‘I enjoyed eating with Mum.’ – Zac Yr3

‘I liked that Mummy came to school.’ – Layla Yr2

‘I enjoyed having time with my family.’ – Logan Yr5

Throughout the week, Acorn and Rowan children had been rehearsing for their class assembly to their Mums. They did a wonderful job and all of our families were very impressed. They presented their loved ones with flowers.

Children across school have been taking care and paying extra attention to detail when creating Mother’s Day cards. We think they are fabulous and hope that everyone enjoyed receiving them on Sunday.