On Wednesday 1st May, Acorn and Rowan class went on a school trip to Warwick castle. The children arrived excited and after registration we set off for the coaches. Children sat with their friends and got to chat and look out of the window as we drove down the motorway towards Warwick, we even spotted some sheep and cows on the way. 

After a short while we arrived at Warwick Castle the children could barely contain their excitement as we all got off the coach. We were greeted by a knight who set us on our way. We began our adventures in Zog’s playground the best playground we’ve ever seen. Once we’d all ran off some steam, slipped down slides and had a swing we set off for the castle ready to explore the great hall and state rooms. 

Once inside we saw how truly magnificent it was, we took a close look at the armour both man and horse would wear. We spotted spears and swords and shields. We continued through the castle and compared our dining room to theirs as it was truly spectacular. On with the tour and we came to Queen Anne’s bedroom, there was amazing detail in the ceiling and on the tapestry hanging on the walls, some children quite liked the idea of a four poster bed but others were not so sure! 

Preceding through the castle we came to the room all of the children had been looking forward to…Henry VIII and his 6 wives. The waxworks were very realistic and the children liked looking at the clothes they wore back in the Tudor times. 

The children were fascinated.

Next we set off to the Falconer’s Quest – birds of prey display. The children sat on blankets and were mesmerised by the swooping, looping and soaring birds as they flew over our heads!

After the show the children settled down and enjoyed their picnic lunch. 

Once eaten and tummy’s were full we set off to find Zog for a meet and greet and a perfect photo opportunity.

Lastly, we had one last stop off at Zog’s playground before heading for the coach.

We all had a fabulous day, the weather was kind to us and the children were the perfect role models for TGPAYT. 

Thank you to all the staff and volunteers involved as we couldn’t have done it without you.