Acorn children have been learning about knights and the armour they would wear. Armour is a special suit made of metal. Knights would wear armour to protect themselves in a battle and in tournaments. As it is made of medal it would be very heavy and difficult to move around in. The helmet is an important part of a knight’s armour. It covers all of the head, including the back of the head and neck protecting it from attacks. The visor is a special shield which could be pulled down to protect the eyes. It had small holes in so the knight could still see.

The children enjoyed making their very own armour helmets. They used collage material to cover the front of it, they stuck on feathers too. They have enjoyed wearing their helmets and getting into character while playing in the castle role play area.

Alexis said she liked her helmet because of the feathers.

Grace said a knight would wear a helmet when he was fighting.

Alex said knights would fight with dragons and they would have to be very careful of the fire the dragons breath out and they would need to crouch under it.