Miss Fellowes has been blown off her feet this week by Year 1! The children have written beautiful acrostic poems all about whales. Here are the steps we took to write our wonderful poems.

Day 1:
In groups and whole class we focused on each letter of WHALE at a time and noted down lots of ideas we could use.

Day 2
We then used our ideas to create our poems on pieces of paper. When we were happy with how our draft poem sounded we then copied it onto neat paper using guidelines to help us. 

Day 3:
Then it was time to create some wonderful sea art on our poems to make it look pretty. We used outlines of printed sea animals to help. This was very tricky to trace so some of Year 1 used the light of the windows to help them see the picture better.

Final Results:
Here are what our beautiful poems look like. Miss Fellowes thinks that they are wonderful.