This week in Year 3, we will be presenting our class assembly all about the Ancient Egyptians! We have absolutely loved our history unit this half term and we have produced fantastic pieces of work which we can’t wait to share with you. 

We will be telling you how the Egyptians used to mummify the dead! This was a really expensive process, so it was usually only the rich who could afford it. We ordered a set of instructions to understand how they did it. 

We also learnt a lot about Tutankhamun, a famous Pharoh from Ancient Egypt. His tomb was discovered in the Valley of The Kings by archaeologist Howard Carter in 1922. We wrote diary entries imagining what Carter would have seen and felt as he made this amazing discovery! 

Finally, we researched some of the Ancient Egyptian Gods and Goddesses. There were over 2,000 in total! We learnt that they all had important roles in the everyday life of an Ancient Egyptian. 

Miss Rowlands is really impressed with our enthusiastic and positive attitude to learning during our history lessons!

Our favourite facts:

Adriana: I like that the Ancient Egyptians used to have pet cats like me! 

Avianna: I liked learning about Howard Carter and what he found in the tomb. 

Ricky: I think the Gods and Goddesses were interesting because some of them had animal heads or bodies. 

Zac: I liked writing in Hieroglyphics because it made my name look different. 

Millie: I find it all really interesting because I love history and I have a book called ‘Awful Egyptians’ which has lots of funny facts in it.