Last half term, our whole school took part in a poetry competition to celebrate SCBG’s 25th anniversary. It was based on the book ‘The Star Whale’ written by Nicola Davies and illustrated by Petr Horáček. Children were challenged to create their own poem and illustration related to ‘Animals that amaze me.’ We were thrilled to find out that we had some gold and silver award winners!

Last Thursday, 8 children from school attended the awards ceremony, with their families, at Dickens Heath Community Primary School. Here they received their prizes, and got to meet Nicola and Petr, who signed their winning books for them.

The children also won some books to put into our school library. It was great to see our school represented so well in the competition, with the youngest winners of the whole competition from our school. Both Nicola and Petr commented on the fantastic creativity of the work they saw. We are very proud of them and want to thank all families for attending this to support their child. The children’s poems will be kept on display in school.