Year 5 had a wonderful day at Twycross Zoo yesterday. We have been learning about all about the Amazon Rainforest in our Geography lessons, we we were keen to find out more information about the types of animals that inhabit the different layers of the rainforest (and explore more animals whilst at the zoo).

When we first arrived at the zoo it was lovely and quiet. The animals were all just waking up and having their breakfasts. We decided to head to Lorikeet Landing first. We walked around the enclosure with the lorikeets flying above our heads – the children were all impressed with the beautiful colours of the birds.

Next, we headed for the penguins. It is lovely to be able to get up close and see the quirky behaviour from these adorable animals. The children enjoyed watching them swimming playfully around.

At 10:30am it was time to head for our workshop, we set off towards the study centre. When we arrived, we met Jess who would be our group leader.

We have been learning about the four layers of the Amazon rainforest in our lessons and Miss Allen was really pleased to see how much of this knowledge we had retained. We were able to answer lots of questions accurately and showcase our knowledge. We made a display of the rainforest and then filled it with animals that would live in each layer.

Next, we learned about how important rainforests are and how they provide us with some of the materials for things that we use in our day to day life. We learned about dangers of deforestation and things that we could look for in supermarkets to help us to protect the rainforest. Overall, we really enjoyed the workshop.

After that we headed out to see more animals before stopping for an early lunch!

In the afternoon we split off in to two groups to explore the remaining attractions at the zoo. There were many other animals that we wished to see.

We were really lucky to witness the chimpanzee feeding time. They came very close to us and we had a perfect view! Despite a little bit of rain after lunch, we had a wonderful day and managed to fit in lots of different things. Miss Allen was impressed by the behaviour of the children.

A special thank you to Mrs Parsons, Mrs Dovey and Mrs Stokes for joining us on the trip. We hope you enjoy looking at the rest of the photos: