The British weather was kind to us today and we were able to spent a lovely morning outside participating in sporting events. We were grouped in our house teams and all children participated in each event. These included: javelin, shotput, egg and spoon race, skipping, hockey skills and more. Mrs Turner was very impressed with the determination, self-belief and respect she could see all of the children demonstrating as they moved around the field. Miss Kundi would like to thank staff and adults who volunteered for helping the event run so smoothly.

Results from our KS2 sports morning are:

  1. Earhart = 10,245
  2. Armstrong = 9,470
  3. Turing = 9,180
  4. Nightingale = 8,920

The individual winning team was: Earhart 3 who scored 3805 points.

Well done to all of our children for taking part.

Thank you to our families for attending and supporting this event.