On Wednesday, we had such an exciting afternoon with the Animal Man!

The first animal we learnt about and got to stroke was an owl called Alan. She was very beautiful and interesting to look at. 

Aran: Alan, the owl, was really fluffy and I enjoyed learning about how her eyes can change colour in the night. 

Matthew B: I liked Alan because he looked like a bird from the Angry Birds movie. 

The next animal we saw, was a collection of hissing cockroaches. Miss Rowlands was much braver than Miss Beacom at holding them.

Next, we got to touch and stroke a frog. He was very fidgety and kept trying to jump out of the Animal Man’s hands.

After that, we met Snowflake the snake. The children were incredibly brave (much braver than Miss Beacom!)

Jack: Snowflake was white and I got to put her around my neck, it felt a bit slimy. 

Steven: Snowflake was my favourite animal because she was curly and had smooth skin. 

 We then learnt about some reptiles and we also got to hold a gecko. We also met a skunk!  

We loved every second of getting to meet all the animals and enjoyed learning lots of interesting facts about them!