The children had an amazing morning participating in KS1 Sports day. It has been such a joyous event where the children showcased their talents and achievements whilst their parents watched with excitement and anticipation.  

The first event was the dashing hurdles, followed by a sprint running. Next, came the wobbly egg and spoon. Finally, a bunny-hopping race. The children tried so hard at every event that you could see the struggle and joy light up in their eyes as they ran. Eggs were falling left, right and centre but the children had learned to be resilient by carrying on. We were all impressed with their determination and eagerness to impress. 

Mr Altariva and Miss Fellowes were so proud of their classes and how hard they have tried today and over the past few weeks in their lead up to Sports Day. 

At the end, children got to celebrate with certificates and ice lollies with their friends. 

A huge success for KS1!

Well done to all of the children.