On Thursday 11th July the PTA hosted the Summer Fayre at school. Throughout the day, volunteers were busy in school preparing prizes for the stalls. The British weather was kind to us and the rain held off. It was lovely to see so many of our families enjoying the event.

Thank you to all of our PTA for organising the event and to our volunteers and staff for running stalls.

Here are some of the comments made by children who enjoyed their time at the event:

“I really liked the children’s chocolate and sweet tombola because I love chocolate and sweets.” – Austin (Yr4)

“I really liked the Footie Bugs stall when the purple bug let in the goals!” – Layla (Yr2)

“I liked the guess how many Lego stall.” – Matthew (Yr4)

“My favourite thing about the Summer Fayre was the bouncy castle because it tired me out and I used up lots of energy.” – Jay (Yr3)

“The Hook a Duck stall was my favourite.” – Eloise (Yr1)

“I liked the basketball stall. I got 5 in a row” – Archie (Yr2)

“My favourite was the Footie Bugs stall.” – Fabian (Yr5)

“My favourite stall was the Children’s Tombola. I won three in a row all on my own.” – Leo (Reception)

“I really liked the stall selling crochet things.” – Jodi (Yr1)

“My favourite stall was the lucky envelopes! It was great that you didn’t know what was in there.” – Emily (Yr6)

“I liked the Lucky Dip. I won dinosaur stickers and I love dinosaurs.” – Ethan (Yr1)